All “content” published on this website including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, paintings, artworks, photographs, illustrations, text, logos, branded objects and names (hereinafter called the “content”) is protected by national and international laws on intellectual property protection in particular in terms of copyrights. All rights, title and interest in the “content”, as well as her works and derivatives are the property of Isabelle Malo designer. Any use of copy, publication, reproduction, distribution, dissemination, of “content” in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited without written permission of SODRAC ( The use of the “content” of this site for personal use is permitted in a limited way. You are allowed to copy parts of this site for your personal use, or to submit parts of this site to your relationships, as long as you indicate that such “content” comes from the site Any commercial use of the “content” of this website without the written permission of SODRAC (Society for reproduction rights of authors, composers and publishers in Canada) which represents Isabelle Malo designer, is strictly prohibited. For more information, please contact the SODRAC or Isabelle Malo designer by writing to (The French version of this text prevails)